Natasha Nattova 1905-1988
Born on August 8, 1905 in St. Petersburg. 1917 she moved to Nice. Soon went to Paris and studied dance with the Opera choreographer, and over time she was accepted into the troupe for small roles. It was during this period that she became interested in modern dance. 1924 she teamed up with the French dancer Gene Myrio. The couple became headliners at the Au Canari nightclub. A combination of dance and acrobatics. They later performed in London and get positive reviews. Nattova and Myrio had their first performance in New York in November 1925.
After Mirio, she had another dance partner, Rodion Gritsanov (1896-1968), they performed together from 1926 to 1928 as a duet of Nattova and Rodion. After changing several other dance partners, she stayed with Nicholas Gakkel Daks (1899–1978) and they married in October 1928.
Nuttova danced until 1940 when she lived in New York with Daks. After their divorce, she moved to Los Angeles in the 1950s, where she studied decorative arts.
Gilt bronze, stone base, h. 43 cm
Price: 50 000 CZK